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A forward proxy is a server that sits between client devices, such as computers and smartphones, and the internet. Unlike a reverse proxy, which serves the needs of the website server, a forward proxy serves the needs of the client devices. When you request access to a web page or other online resources, the forward proxy intercepts that request and makes it on your behalf.

Functions of a Forward Proxy


A forward proxy can mask your IP address, making your internet activities untraceable. This provides a level of anonymity when browsing the web.

Content Filtering

Forward proxies can block access to specific websites or types of content. This is often used in corporate or educational settings to restrict the websites that can be accessed through the network.

Bandwidth Control

By compressing traffic and caching frequently accessed content, a forward proxy can reduce bandwidth usage. This is helpful for network administrators looking to optimize network performance.

Access Control

Network administrators can use a forward proxy to control who has access to various internet resources. This can include blocking or allowing access based on IP addresses or other criteria.

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