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Network latency refers to the time it takes for a packet of data to travel from its source to its destination across a network. Measured in milliseconds (ms), latency is a critical factor affecting the performance and responsiveness of various online services.

Factors Affecting Network Latency

  1. Physical Distance: The geographical distance between the client and the server plays a significant role in determining latency. The further the data has to travel, the higher the latency.
  2. Network Congestion: Heavy traffic on a network can lead to congestion, increasing the time it takes for data packets to navigate through routers and switches.
  3. Hardware and Software Limitations: Outdated or poorly optimized hardware and software can also contribute to increased latency.
  4. Quality of Service (QoS) Settings: Network administrators might prioritize certain types of data, which can affect latency for lower-priority tasks.

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