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The Vary header is an HTTP response header that informs caches how to match future request headers to decide whether a cached response is reusable. Essentially, it tells the cache that the response may vary based on certain request headers.

How Does the Vary Header Work?

Imagine you have a website that serves content in different languages based on the user's "Accept-Language" header. If you cache the English version of the page, you don't want to serve this cached version to someone requesting the page in Spanish. This is where the Vary header comes into play.

Here's a step-by-step guide:

  1. Server Response: When the server responds to a request, it includes a Vary header indicating which request headers should be used to determine the correct content version. For example, it might include Vary: Accept-Language if the content varies based on language.
  2. Storing Multiple Versions: The cache stores multiple versions of the content, each corresponding to different values of the headers mentioned in the Vary header.
  3. Matching Future Requests: When a subsequent request comes in, the cache looks at the headers specified in the Vary header and checks if there's a match with a previously cached response. If there is a match, the cached response is served; otherwise, a new request is made to the server.

Importance of the Vary Header

Using the Vary header ensures that caches correctly handle content that varies based on factors such as user-agent, language, encoding, and more. It helps in serving personalized content without accidentally delivering the wrong version from the cache.

However, incorrect use of the Vary header can reduce caching efficiency. If it is overused or misconfigured, it may lead to a low cache hit ratio, as the cache might consider too many variations, leading to storing multiple versions that rarely get reused.

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