TLS Fingerprinting: A Primer


What is Fingerprinting?

Fingerprinting is technique that may be used to identify the specific device, web browser, and operating system that is making the request, regardless of who the client says it is in its user-agent header. By enabling organisations to identify and characterize the unique attributes of a client's connection, fingerprinting can help improve network security and protect against malicious traffic.

Fingerprinting can also refer to techniques for following or uniquely identifying individual users across the web. This is a separate set of techniques to which will not be discussed in this article.

Transport Layer Security (TLS) Fingerprinting is a process of determining the specific characteristics of a client's TLS implementation through examination of the initial TLS handshake packet, known as the "Client Hello." This packet contains various fields and parameters, such as supported cipher suites, extensions, and the client's preferred order of these parameters, which can be used to create a unique "fingerprint" of the client's TLS implementation.

Why is it used?

Fingerprinting has a variety of uses, including bot protection, DDoS protection, and client identification. By enabling identifying and characterising the unique attributes of a client's connection, fingerprinting can help improve network security and protect against malicious traffic.

How does TLS Fingerprinting work?

TLS Fingerprinting examines the initial TLS handshake packet, known as the "Client Hello". The Client Hello packet is sent by the client during the initial phase of the TLS handshake, which establishes a secure connection between the client and the server. It contains information about the client's preferred encryption methods, extensions, and parameters, including:

  1. Protocol Version: The version of the TLS protocol desired by the client.
  2. Random: A 32-byte random value generated by the client, used in key generation and derivation.
  3. Session ID: An optional session identifier for resuming a previous session.
  4. Cipher Suites: A list of supported encryption algorithms, ordered by preference.
  5. Compression Methods: A list of supported compression algorithms, ordered by preference.
  6. Extensions: Optional extensions that can negotiate additional parameters, such as Server Name Indication (SNI) and Elliptic Curve Supported (ECS).

The Client Hello packet is crucial to the operation and security of the TLS connection as it provides information that the server uses to select encryption algorithms and parameters. The packet also enables the client and server to negotiate the most secure and efficient encryption method for their communication. The Client Hello's variable content, based on the TLS version, library, cipher suites, extensions, and settings supported by the client, makes it an ideal candidate for fingerprinting.

Common components used to create a TLS fingerprint include:

  1. Cipher Suites: The order of cipher suites supported by the client.
  2. Extensions: Supported extensions included in the Client Hello packet, such as SNI and ECS.
  3. TLS Point Formats: Encoding of cryptographic parameters in a format that can be transmitted as part of the TLS protocol, used in elliptic curve cryptography (ECC).
  4. TLS Curves: The specific elliptic curves used in ECC, a type of public-key cryptography used in the TLS protocol.

TLS fingerprinting has been a topic of research for several years, leading to the development of several tools and techniques. Notable examples include JA3, developed by John Althouse, Jeff Atkinson, and Josh Atkins of Salesforce, which uses a hash of the client's SSL/TLS parameters as a unique identifier for effective tracking and analysis of SSL/TLS traffic. Another tool, Mercury by David McGrew and Blake Anderson, can be used to fingerprint client connections and identify the device, operating system, and application making the connection.

TLS fingerprinting has a variety of uses, including bot protection, DDoS protection, malware identification and client identification. By enabling organizations to identify and characterize the unique attributes of a client's TLS implementation, TLS fingerprinting can help improve network security and protect against malicious traffic.

Representation of a TLS Fingerprint

A TLS fingerprint is commonly represented as a string or hash that summarizes the important components of the Client Hello packet. The most common components used to create a TLS fingerprint include the supported cipher suites, extensions, and TLS point formats. The cipher suites are represented as a list of hexadecimal values in the order they are presented by the client, while extensions and point formats are represented as a list of hexadecimal values or a unique identifier.

The raw JA3 signatures are represented by the following fields which is then hashed with MD5:

SSLVersion, Cipher, SSLExtension, EllipticCurve, EllipticCurvePointFormat

An example raw signature is:


An MD5 hash is then applied which results in the final signatures.


Mercury signatures are represented by:

"tls/1" (TLS_Version) (TLS_Ciphersuite) [ Extension* ]

An example signature is:


Hash Functions for Representing TLS Fingerprints

Hashing algorithms, such as MD5, are commonly used to create a unique representation of a TLS fingerprint. These hash functions take the input of the client's TLS parameters and produce a fixed-length output, which serves as a unique identifier for the client. The hash value can be compared against a database of known TLS fingerprints to determine the identity of the client.

Other techniques for representing TLS fingerprints include base64 encoding of the client's TLS parameters such as in the Mercury fingerprint.

Challenges with TLS fingerprinting

TLS fingerprinting is not a foolproof method for identifying clients and their attributes and has several limitations that need to be considered.

  1. False Positives: TLS fingerprinting relies on the assumption that the client's Client Hello packet uniquely identifies a connecting process by its TLS implementation. However, it is possible for a client to alter the Client Hello packet by customising TLS parameters which effects the Client Hello packet, which can result in a false positive identification. This makes it important to use multiple methods of identifying clients. For example, Mercury takes into account destination ports to add additional context.
  2. False Negatives: While TLS fingerprinting can identify many different clients and their attributes, it is not capable of identifying all clients. Some clients may have a unique or unusual TLS implementation that cannot be accurately fingerprinted. Additionally, some clients may actively attempt to evade fingerprinting by sending customising TLS parameters or using tools to anonymise their connections.
  3. Forging of TLS Fingerprints: It is possible for attackers to deliberately forge or modify the information contained in their Client Hello packet to appear as a different client. This makes it difficult for fingerprinting tools to accurately identify the true identity of a client and can be used for malicious purposes, such as evading security measures or disguising the origin of an attack.
  4. Incomplete Data: TLS fingerprinting is limited by the information contained in the Client Hello packet, which may not contain all of the necessary data to accurately identify a client. For example, a client may not send a full list of supported cipher suites or extensions, or may use a modified version of the TLS protocol that is not recognized by the fingerprinting tool, or the fingerprint may not be present in available databases.

Different fingerprinting implementations can result in different hashes for the same TLS connection, even though the underlying SSL/TLS protocol remains unchanged. This happens due to the various algorithms, parameters, and representations used by different fingerprinting tools.

For instance, implementation differences when generating the TLS fingerprint may cause hashes found in public databases not be consistent with a locally generated hash.


It is important to be aware of the limitations and differences between various fingerprinting implementations, and to choose the right tool and representation for your specific use case. It is also recommended to standardize the representation of fingerprints and to use common hash algorithms to avoid confusion and ensure interoperability between databases.

TLS Fingerprinting can be a very powerful and important tool for website security. However, it is important to be aware of the limitations and differences between various fingerprinting implementations. If you're concerned about the security of your website or application then contact us!

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