IP reputation

IP reputation lists are an essential tool in protecting websites from malicious activity and security threats. They help identify and block IP addresses that have a history of malicious behavior, such as those associated with malware infections, active attackers, bots, spammers, and anonymous proxies. These lists provide a real-time view of IP addresses that are potentially harmful and need to be blocked to keep your website secure.

By using IP reputation lists, administrators can create a comprehensive security strategy to protect their websites from various types of threats. This can include reducing the risk of unauthorized access, blocking malicious traffic, and preventing IP addresses from being used for malicious purposes.

Peakhour offers access to the following IP reputation blocklists:

  1. IPs with a Poor Reputation: This list includes IP addresses with a history of malicious activity, such as spamming, hacking, or distributing malware.
  2. Malware-Infected Computers: This list includes IP addresses associated with computers that have been infected with malware.
  3. Active Attackers: This list includes IP addresses that are currently engaged in malicious activity, such as attempting to exploit vulnerabilities or launch DDoS attacks.
  4. Robots and Web Scrapers: This list includes IP addresses associated with automated bots and scrapers that can be used for malicious purposes, such as scraping sensitive data from websites.
  5. Bruteforcers: This list includes IP addresses that are attempting to gain unauthorized access to your website by repeatedly trying different login credentials.
  6. Forum and Comment Spammers: This list includes IP addresses that are known to engage in spamming forums and comments sections on websites.
  7. TOR Anonymous Users: This list includes IP addresses associated with the TOR network, which can be used for anonymous and potentially malicious activities.
  8. Anonymous Proxies: This list includes IP addresses associated with anonymous proxy servers that can be used to hide the real IP address of a user or bot.
  9. Uncategorized Potentially Malicious IPs: This list includes IP addresses that have been flagged as potentially malicious but have not yet been categorized.
  10. Active DoS Attackers: This list includes IP addresses that are currently engaged in Distributed Denial of Service ( DoS) attacks.
  11. Spyware Sources: This list includes IP addresses associated with sources that distribute spyware, malware that collects information from infected computers.
  12. Unroutable IPs: This list includes IP addresses that are not routed on the Internet and can be used for malicious purposes, such as creating fake traffic.
  13. Crowd Sourced: This list includes IP addresses that have been reported by the community as being associated with malicious activity.
  14. VPN: This list includes IP addresses associated with virtual private network (VPN) services, which can be used for both legitimate and malicious purposes.
  15. Datacenter: This list includes IP addresses associated with datacenters, which can host many servers and be used for malicious purposes, such as launching attacks.
  16. Crawlers: This list includes IP addresses associated with web crawlers, which can be used to scrape sensitive information from websites.
  17. Other Uncategorized: This list includes IP addresses that have been flagged as potentially malicious but do not fit into any of the other categories.

A few use cases for IP reputation lists include:

  1. Blocking malicious traffic: IP reputation lists can help block incoming traffic from IP addresses that have a history of malicious behavior, reducing the risk of unauthorized access and other security threats.
  2. Improving website performance: By blocking traffic from IP addresses that are known to engage in harmful activity, IP reputation lists can help reduce the amount of traffic on your website, improving its overall performance and stability.
  3. Protecting against spam: IP reputation lists can help prevent spam from being sent from your website, reducing the risk of your IP address being blacklisted and damaging your reputation.
  4. Strengthening security: By using IP reputation lists as part of a comprehensive security strategy, administrators can reduce the risk of security incidents and improve the overall security posture of their website.

By using these IP reputation lists, administrators can improve the security and performance of their website by blocking traffic from known malicious IP addresses.